January 04, 2006

Mossberg Likes the Treo 650 over Treo 700w

Mossberg likes the good old Treo 650 over the new Treo 700w even with the EV-DO speed advantage. His email bug isn't really a bug though because I have to do the same thing with POP email on my Treo 600.

My verdict: Despite some nice new features, the Windows Mobile software is still inferior to the Palm software for one-handed use on the go. Its crucial email and phone functions are also weaker. And there's a serious bug in its email software that affects individuals, though not corporate users... There are some offsetting pluses. In my tests, downloading Web pages on the Treo 700w was wicked fast for a hand-held, typically hovering between 500 and 800 kilobits per second, roughly 10 times as fast as on the Treo 650. Also, the new model has more than twice as much usable memory, and slightly better claimed battery life.