May 05, 2004

Valve Visit by 20 Belgiums

20 Belgiums got an exclusive visit to offices of Valve, the creators of Half-life 2. The crazy Europeans whined about the problems with Steam, bandwidth and general slowness. It looks like Gabe Newell used the hacker attack as an excuse, as the game probably would of been delayed anyway. The game however does look fantastic. Half-Life 2 looks magnificent; the game physics look phenomenal. As an example there was this chasing scene with a helicopter in an empty water reservoir. The bullets rippled the ample water still in the reservoir around your character. After a while the helicopter started shooting rockets, debris everywhere! The deformability of the terrain is massive! Half-Life 2 comes (for selected graphics cards) with high-res textures, which will make this seem even more beautiful. The code theft wasn't the reason behind the delay of the Half-Life 2 release, as shown in the PCGamer.DE interview with Gabe Newell. The engine is finished; as good as all monsters have been created. They are actually still working on some scripted ingame sequences, fine-tuning some single players maps (as is expected, we only want the best :-) and creating some highres models. We're pretty confident they'll make the summer release. Read