May 20, 2007

Programming Lead of Heavenly Sword Whines

It's not a good sign when the lead programmer of Heavenly Sword is whining about how developing it sucks. Yikes. This game is the biggest launch for the Sony Playstation 3 this Christmas. I was hoping it would make my PS3 worth the money I just paid for it.

Big mainstream games at the moment aren’t fun to work on… We are so stuck doing the non important stuff (1000 facial mocaps and shaders on 10 processors with actors and cameramen straight out of hollywood…) that the actual process of making the important bit (the gameplay) has becomes nasty… It sucks, its no fun and given how much work everybody (code, art, design, qa and production) has to do to make a game, having it being no fun, really isn’t good.

It's especially noteworthy as he seems to be complaining about PS3 centric technical issues.