May 20, 2005

Killzone PS3 Demo was Real! ... Well Kind of

One of the raging debates of this E3 is whether the jaw dropping trailer for Killzone on the Playstation 3 was real-time or pre-rendered. Well the designer of Killzone gave an interview with UK Playstation and said:

Is the Killzone sequence a fair example of what people can expect from realtime gameplay on PlayStation 3?

Jan-Bart: Yeah, it's basically a representation of the look and feel of the game we're trying to make.

So it sounds like it was pre-rendered, but the real game will look and feel like the trailer. Hmmm... They are however very impressed with PS3 hardware, which I think we all are.

Jan-Bart: Yes, we're really impressed with it. The Cell is amazingly powerful, and the graphics CPU [the RSX, co-developed with Nvidia] in there... it's actually hard to mimic it on our development PCs, we have to see it on the PS3 hardware itself. It's really nice to be working with such powerful hardware. [Discuss]