February 17, 2005

Mossberg on Switching to Mac

Walter Mossberg writes this week that switching to the Mac isn't for everyone. Gamers, people that use specialized Windows programs, and anyone else that needs Windows, probably shouldn't switch because the upkeep and maintenance of two platforms may outweigh the benefits.

Of course, you can overcome most of these obstacles if you buy a Mac as a companion to, rather than a replacement for, a Windows machine. But then you'd still be battling Windows viruses and spyware, and having to spend money and time to maintain dual platforms.

The bottom line is that the Mac is a great alternative for mainstream consumers doing mainstream tasks who are sick and tired of the Windows security crisis. But it isn't for everybody.

I can tell you after 2 weeks of being a switcher. It is NOT easy getting used to a new platform. All the shortcuts and program tricks have to be re-learned. Am I glad I did it though? Yes.