September 17, 2004

Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow

The positive reviews are streaming in for this revolutionary computer digital film with live actors. Kind of like Who Framed Roger Rabbit, but in reverse. By now everyone knows the legend on how this novice filmaker, Kerry Conran, with no real experience in his spare time put together a 6 minute short film on his Macintosh using off-the-shelf software and some he programmed on his own to convince a producer to fund him for a $70M project. Now that was a mouthful for one of the most interesting stories of the year. Along the way they were able recruit Jude Law, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Angelina Jolie to act in front of a blue screen. I'm looking forward to seeing this over the weekend. It has influences from Raiders of the Lost Ark, comic books, Metropolis, and King Kong with stylized imagery from the golden age of early Hollywood. So this guy named Kerry Conran goes into his garage and sits down at his Macintosh and creates six minutes of images to show what he's thinking about, and the next thing you know he's directing a movie starring Gwyneth Paltrow, Jude Law and Angelina Jolie. He must have been a good salesman. "He's a terrible salesman," Gwyneth Paltrow said. "He's shy and quiet." "We didn't meet him for nearly a month," Jude Law said. "Jon Avnet, who was producing the project, was the salesman." It must have been an amazing six minutes, I said. Rotten Tomatoes - Ebert Essay