July 18, 2004

New iPod Announced

Newsweek has the scoop on the new iPod. It's amazing that Apple gets cover stories on mainstream news magazines every major product release. I mean talk about marketing. Then again, Jobs has always been the master of marketing. Remember it was the Woz that made the Apple II and all the early technical designs. Steve just handled the business and marketing side. The new iPod has 50% better battery life, a centered phone jack, thinner by 1mm, and removes the 4 mini-buttons. Pricing is $100 cheaper with the 40GB model going for $399 and 20GB going for $299. Only one color will be available - white. After years of iPod-dom, Apple is sticking to its guns the simple user interface is the best. With all the hoopla over 60gb hard drives being bought by Apple few months back, I guess that version is coming out later. Read