February 18, 2004

Yahoo Dumps Google

Back during the birth of the internet, Netscape linked to Yahoo on its homepage, not knowing "the portal" would be the next "big thing." Of course you know what happened, Yahoo became the center of the universe. History repeated itself, when Yahoo started using the search technology of a little known startup called "Google". Little did Yahoo know that search itself would be the next "big thing", especially in terms of revenue and advertising. Now Yahoo is dropping Google, the startup that is now king is own it's own. "Yahoo dropped Google as the default search technology provider for its U.S.-based sites late Tuesday, signaling the beginning of the end for the Web's most high-profile marriage of convenience." Pepsi iTunes Giveaway Hack Someone found out how you can figure out which Pepsis have the free iTunes song giveaway prize without opening the bottle. "The secret is the angle. I've found it to be 25 degrees, but that's really no use when you're out in the field. Just tilt it until it seems about that, and look up towards it (hold it above your head). With luck, you should be able to see under the cap... It's easiest to read "again" and tag the losers because there are no random letters involved. You can spot a word like again from a mile away. If you don't see again and you have given the bottle a twist (to check from all angles), make a purchase. If not, hit the shelf." [Discussion] Link Roundup - Politicians raising money with ads on blogs.